Memoir Resources

Present a curated selection of invaluable materials authored by prominent individuals. These literary works are utilized in crafting "Power: A Memoir."

Quote from:

Victor Chang, A Tribute to my Father:

“In 1980, he met Frank Tamru, a heart valve specialist working in the Asia-Pacific region for a company called Shiley Inc. Frank remembers the day Dad said to him. - Vanessa Chang.

“Why don’t we make our own valves for Asian patients? We can do this cheaper and just as well as the established companies.’ Frank wasn’t surprised by the confidence Dad showed in making these statements. He continues:

I had been transferred to Hong Kong to help open the China market for the valves, and this motivated Victor even more to pursue his dream of providing low-cost valves for Asian patients made in Asia… by Asian workers. He knew we could convince an Indian tissue valve engineer [Brij Gupta]… at Shiley to join our project, especially after I mentioned [Victor’s] desire to provide a good, affordable tissue valve for…. [people in his] homeland. ” (pg. 167) - Frank Tamru

Continuing Research

“In immersive detail, Power recounts a tale of unbridled ambition, uplifting romance, fame, fortune, undisguised corruption, carnality, bitter rivalries, and murder. The cardiovascular community in which I resided had it all.”